At first we jus wanna hav a look around to see wats up with it and window shopping. the moment we went over to the young adult and fantasy section, Petrina and I was shocked till our jaw drops to the floor...jus joking. but we were so shocked. Eldest by Christopher Paolini onli cost RM 16.90 and its not paperback....ITS HARDCOVER!!!! Also Artemis Fowl Time Paradox onli cost RM19.90 and also hardcover with additional discount summore. most of the books are super cheap.
these are the books tat me and petrina bought....some books are for charmaine though....

At first chee yuen jus wanted to buy a book for his mom. unfortunately the book wasnt there. so he started browsing for some book. the more he browse, the more books he wanna buy. ended up he went to withdraw some money from the ATM machine.
this is the picture of books that me, petrina and chee yuen bought...

we ended up buying a total of RM 260!!!!
RM 120 is Petrina+Charmaine
RM 107 is Chee Yuen
RM 33 is me (Ming)
this is wat happen when 3 book lovers are browsing for books....i was like trying to pull petrina and chee yuen away so tat they dun ended up buying even more....XD